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2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
Inscrit: 03/05/2006

I want so much to learn. I would also like to contribute. I am having a real problem because even though I go and translate, it really is not giving me the "right" translation. I looked this up and this is what it says:

"Unfortunately, today's most sophisticated software doesn't approach the fluency of a native speaker or possess the skill of a professional translator. Automatic translation is very difficult, as the meaning of words depends upon the context in which they are used."

I am thrilled to be reading discussions that are based on lightness. I just wish I could understand more of what you are saying.

I am also sure that there would be more people that would join Allege Ideal if they could be part of the discussions.

Please do not be upset with what I have written.


Je veux tellement apprendre de toi. Je voudrais également contribuer. J'ai un problème réel parce que quoique j'aille et traduise, il vraiment ne me donne pas la « bonne » traduction. J'ai regardé ceci vers le haut et est ce ce qu'il indique : « Malheureusement, le logiciel le plus sophistiqué d'aujourd'hui n'approche pas la maîtrise d'un naturel ou ne possède pas la compétence d'un traducteur professionnel. La traduction automatique est très difficile, car la signification des mots dépend du contexte dans lequel ils sont employés. » Je suis fait frémir pour être des discussions de lecture qui sont basées sur la légèreté. Je souhaite juste que je pourrais comprendre plus de ce que vous dites. Je suis également sûr qu'il y aurait plus de personnes qui se joindraient allèguent idéal si elles pourraient faire partie des discussions. Ne pas être dérangé svp avec ce que j'ai écrit. Sincèrement, gigi

Inscrit: 17/03/2006

Don't be worry; we have the same problem to translate from french to english; I am using a software of translation, then I make corrections with what I remember from my knowledges in english ( for exemple, these words are written without dictionnary and software!)
I know it is not perfect, that some expressions are not well translated, but I hope every time that those who will read my letter can understand what I mean;
and you have right: if many more personns could read our forum, they will be interested in the association. friendly, yves katz, riding teacher and coordinator of Ile de France

Amicalement, yves KATZ

Inscrit: 17/03/2006

Hi Gigi!
Don't be afraid to post please! This langage barrier is indeed a problem and the fact of posting even an automatic translation is already a pretty good effort facilitating the work of the translator (when he has time to do it!). I asked that several times but only a few are doing it! As I told you, the problem with French people is that they think the entire world is speaking French ;-)


Vincent Delespaux
Coordinateur AI Benelux