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Amortisseur de dos

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Kloxo-MR Page

If you are seeing this page, it means that web has not been configured for this domain on this server.

This could be due to the following causes:
  • Kloxo has not restarted the web server yet after you added the domain. Please wait for the web server to restart.
  • The domain is pointing to the wrong Kloxo server. Ping the domain and make sure that the IP matches one of the IPaddress seen in admin home -> ipaddresses
  • If you are seeing this page when you try to access an IP like, then that means that the IP has not yet been mapped to a domain. Go to client home -> ipaddresses -> ipaddress home -> domain config and map an IP to a domain.
  • Once you map an IP to a domain, then you have to make sure that the domain pings back to the same IP. Otherwise, if you try to access the domain, you will get this page. So IP -> should mean that pings to the same IP.
Joined: 28/08/2011

bonjours nathali,

merci beaucoup de m´avoir repondu
je pese 45 kilo je monte tout sorte de cheval ou poney
je monte 1 heure ou 3quart d´heure jamais plus car les chevaux travaillent 4 heures par jours
merci de m´avoir repondu;)

cordialement mélissa

(par melissa)

Joined: 28/08/2011

Et sutout cela arrange bon nombre de selleries !

1 gros tapis + une selle pas trop épaisse et mon humble fessier suffisamment épais pour amortir les chocs :)

(par StephE)