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la FEI

40 replies [Last post]
Joined: 17/03/2006

A l'attention du Président Mr Maurel

-Vous y serez le 18 janvier ? parce que quand on lit le rapport de la FEI concernant Kittel, on a de quoi s'arracher les cheveux !! On a vraiment l'impression que d'un côté la FEI veut se donner bonne conscience, mais de l'autre côté elle ne sanctionne pas du tout ! qu'est-ce qu'une lettre d'avertissement ? à l'heure qu'il est, Kittel l'a déjà mise à la poubelle. Il n'y a que quand les sponsors cesseront de donner de l'argent à ces jeux de cirque, qu'elle agira.

Swedish Dressage News

Patrik Kittel Exonerated by FEI in Blue Tongue Scandal

January 27, 2010

ScandicThe FEI investigation into the training methods used by Patrick Kittel on his horse Scandic in Odense, Denmark on 18 October 2009 has been concluded. Witness statements and video evidence have been thoroughly reviewed and the investigation finds are that there is no reliable evidence that the warm-up techniques used by Mr Kittel were excessive.

As a result, the FEI Legal Department has ruled that no formal claim against Mr Kittel will be submitted to the FEI Tribunal, however Mr Kittel has received a warning letter regarding the appropriate and inappropriate use of warm-up techniques and has been made aware that his actions will be watched very carefully going forward to ensure that there are no subsequent violations of FEI rules relating to horse welfare.

The FEI is conducting a major review and analysis of its current policy on pre-competition warm-up activities, with an emphasis on hyperflexion. A working group has been set up with a specific brief to define the term “prolonged and excessive” in order to provide more precise guidelines for stewards.

This issue relates to the welfare of the horse in general and not just to dressage and will be discussed in detail at a round table, taking place on 9 February, where all stakeholders will be represented.

Photo © Astrid Appels/Eurodressage

Related Links
Round Table Conference about Rollkur at FEI Headquarters
FEI Releases Statement Following Hyperflexion Discussion
At the Heart of the Matter at the 2009 Global Dressage Forum

© 2000-2009 Eurodressage is a project by Site design Junior Riders

Joined: 17/03/2006

Puisque ce post est quand même lu, je vous donne la liste des intervenants

Il y aura aussi Heuschmannn ( ce qui est une très bonne chose)

son éditeur(Wuwei) a organisé une pétition (merci Bernardine pour l'info) en vue de la réunion. Il est important qu'un maximum de signatures soit récolté. IL FAUT SE FAIRE ENTENDRE !!!!
et là nous avons l'occasion

( aux détracteurs qui affirment que ça ne sert à rien, allez faire un tour sur le site de la SHN, vous aurez une belle surprise. Merci à ceux qui sont intervenu)

donc voici la liste des intervenants publié sur Eurodressage

FEI Dressage News

Round Table Conference about Rollkur at FEI Headquarters

January 27, 2010

rollkurThe FEI has invited experts from various fields in equestrianism to participate in a round table conference about the rollkur training system at the FEI headquarters in Lausanna on 9 February 2010.

"The list of invitees has been set up by FEI to cover a wide range of interests. It is every aspect from riders, trainers, vets, communication, commercial, horse welfare, etc. The FEI President, HRH Princess Haya, will attend the conference as well," Trond Asmyr told

Ulf Helgstrand, president of the Danish Equestrian Federation, commented that "to be certain that all related groups are heard in this debate about hyperflexion, the FEI has invited representatives of all groups. The FEI hopes to reach a shared conclusion about hyperflexion with all active participants in the equestrian sport by listening to the different views. Possible guidelines and conclusions should be taken into account and should be valid for all FEI disciplines. The current position of the FEI on hyperflexion is based on the results of the conference held in 2006."

Experts who will be attanding the round table conference are:

* HKH Prinsesse Haya, FEI President of FEI
* Alex McLin, FEI secretary general
* International Dressage Riders Club
* International Dressage Trainers Club
* International Jumping Riders Club
* David Broome, show jumping representative
* Sjef Janssen, dressage representative
* Graeme Cooke, FEI Veterinary Director
* Trond Asmyr, FEI Director Dressage and Para-Equestrian Dressage
* John Roche, FEI Director Jumping and stewarding
* Catrin Norinder, FEI Director Eventing
* Ian Williams, FEI Director Non-olympic sports
* Carsten Couchouron, FEI Executive Director Commercial
* Richard Johnson, FEI Director Communications
* Jacques van Daele, FEI Honorary Steward General Dressage
* Frank Kempermann, President Dressage Committee
* Sven Holmberg, President Jumping Committee
* John McEwan, President FEI Veterinary Committee
* World Horse Welfare, Roly Owers and Tony Tylor
* Ulf Helgstrand, representative of the national equestrian federations
* Dr. Sue Dyson
* Dr. Gerd Heuschman

Press has not been invited to this working meeting.

Photo © Astrid Appels

Related Links
Rollkur Topic of Discussion at 2009 FEI General Assembly
German Judges' Association Responds to FEI Rollkur Workshop
FEI Workshop on Rollkur in Lausanne Leads to Redefinition
Heavy Reactions to Rollkur Photos of Power and Paint

© 2000-2009 Eurodressage is a project by Site design Junior Riders

All images and text on this website are copyrighted. Reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission/payment
All photos are copyrighted Astrid Appels, Dirk Caremans, Barbara Schnell, or Mary Phelps

Eurodressage bvba - Jacob Smitslaan 30 - B-2400 Mol - Belgium - info [at] eurodressage [dot] com

Message édité par: CLIQUE, à: 2010/02/02 09:02

OLRY Juliette
Joined: 17/03/2006

j'ai proposé à Sylvia Loch (classiclal riding club) et à Isabella Sonntag (wu wei vertrag) que l'on envoie toutes les pétitions ensemble .
J'attends leur réponse .

Joined: 25/07/2006



Magali CLIQUE écrit, en rappel du sujet fermé sur "la SHN se met au Rollkur" :
"( aux détracteurs qui affirment que ça ne sert à rien, allez faire un tour sur le site de la SHN, vous aurez une belle surprise. Merci à ceux qui sont intervenu)".

Comme j'étais intervenu à titre personnel, j'ai envoyé un petit mot de sympathie constatant le changement montrant l'image d'un cheval dont l'intégrité est respectée.


Message édité par: phfarnault, à: 2010/02/02 10:13

Berrada Stephanie
Joined: 09/07/2009

Mail recu concernant la reunion en Suisse
Il est en anglais, allemand et francais.
Dear Madam, dear Sir,

On 9 February 2010, more than 20 experts will attend an FEI meeting in Switzerland to discuss once again whether the so-called hyperflexion (“Rollkur”) is an adequate method of training a horse. In order to support the opponents of this method and offer them further arguments, a petition has been initiated at We’d like to invite you to support this action against hyperflexion – time is short!

You were so kind as to sign our own petition calling for reforms of the FN rules, which was initiated in May 2009. This obviously bore fruit: The German FN eventually invited Philippe Karl for a meeting in Warendorf, Germany. They now have to find an appropriate date. We will of course keep you informed about the outcome of this meeting.

Thank you very much again for your support!


Philippe Karl & his team

(If you do not wish to receive any further information from us, please send an empty email to unsubscribe [at] philippe-karl [dot] com)


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

am 9. Februar 2010 treffen sich bei der FEI in der Schweiz über 20 Experten, um erneut darüber zu beraten, inwieweit die Rollkur/Hyperflexion eine angemessene Trainingsmethode ist. Um den Gegnern dieser Methode Argumente an die Hand zu geben, wurde unter eine Unterschriftenliste ins Leben gerufen. Wir möchten Sie bitten, diese Aktion gegen die Rollkur zu unterstützen – die Zeit drängt!

Sie waren so freundlich, unsere im Mai 2009 gestartete Petition für Reformen des FN-Reglements auf der Seite zu unterzeichnen. Diese trägt offensichtlich Früchte: Die Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung (FN) hat Philippe Karl zu einem Treffen nach Warendorf eingeladen. Nun gilt es, einen passenden Termin zu finden. Über das Ergebnis dieses Treffens werden wir Sie selbstverständlich informieren.

Nochmals herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Philippe Karl & sein Team

(Falls Sie keine weiteren Informationen von uns erhalten wollen, senden Sie bitte eine leere E-Mail an unsubscribe [at] philippe-karl [dot] com)


Madame, Monsieur,

Le 9 février, plus de 20 experts se réuniront à la FEI en Suisse pour délibérer de nouveau sur l’« hyperflexion » (ou « Rollkur »), afin de décider si cet encapuchonnement extrême du cheval constitue une méthode d’entraînement adéquate. Pour soutenir les opposants à cette méthode et leur offrir plus d’arguments, une pétition a été créée à la page Nous vous invitons à soutenir cette action contre l'hyperflexion/Rollkur – le temps presse !

Vous avez eu l’amabilité de signer notre pétition demandant des réformes du règlement de la FN, initiée en mai 2010. Cette action semble porter ses fruits : la Fédération Equestre Allemande (FN) a invité Philippe Karl à une rencontre à Warendorf en Allemagne. Il s’agit maintenant de fixer la date. Nous vous tiendrons bien sûr au courant des résultats de cette rencontre.

Merci encore pour votre soutien !


Philippe Karl & son team

Christopher Cunningham
Joined: 24/06/2007

J'ai également envoyé un petit mot gentil à la SHN de Fontainebleau. Ils ont été très réactifs sur ce coup-là.

Joined: 17/03/2006

la pétition va atteindre les 13 000 signatures ce matin ! c'est un raz de marée, 2000 signatures en une nuit, c'est incroyable !!!
on ne lâche pas le morceau....:)

OLRY Juliette
Joined: 17/03/2006

environ 2000 signatures pour le collectif ( net + papier)
8556 pour celle de Sylvia Loch
3926 pour le wu wei verlag
et 13000 pour celle de Karl

ça fait du monde !

Joined: 03/10/2007

j'ai pas trouvé celle de sylvia Loch, j'ai signé les deux autres.. effectivement! super! ça fait du monde!!j'espère qu'ils en tiendront un peu compte!!nous sommes quand même les licenciés qui cotisons tous a cette féderation!
enfin! ça remonte le moral! amitiés a toutes et tous, françoise

Adrien Nayrat
Joined: 21/04/2008

Xenophon and Klaus Balkenhol Letter to The FEI for the February 9th Meeting
(Translated from the German)

Originally Dated Feb. 3 2010
Federation Equestre International
Avenue Rumine 37
CH – 1005 Lausanne Rosendahl
February 3, 2010

Dear Sirs and Madames:

We submit herewith some comments concerning your upcoming roundtable discussion, scheduled for February 9th, at which you will be establishing a final plan for the handling of the topic of Rollkur/Hyperflexion.

Those of us who have signed this letter wish to point out sharply that new or amended rules with regard to the accepted classical precepts of riding, which are contained in the guidelines written down in your Handbook, are absolutely superfluous and therefore unnecessary. These precepts, which the FEI has up until now felt obliged to uphold, are already fully developed, tried and tested! They are already recognized world-wide as authoritative, and as fair to the horse. Based on centuries of experience, they offer a stable and secure foundation even for today’s riding.

No changes may be made that constitute a burden to the well-being of the horse, either physically or mentally. If you accept riding in hyperflexion as a permissible training method, you legitimize aggressive riding. We protest that in the strongest possible terms!

As horse people, we expect the FEI to maintain unaltered their regulations, which have until now been valid, resting as they do upon the classical precepts of riding – for the good of the horses and the continued good repute of international equestrian sport.
The undersigned support this statement:

Klaus Balkenhol (Olympic medalist)

(Joined by, in alphabetical order)
- Laura Bechtolsheimer (British Record Holder, 3. Europameisterschaften 2009)
- Wilfried Bechtolsheimer (Trainer)
- Ingrid Klimke (Olympic medalist)
- Ruth Klimke (Vice President of the German Riders Union)
- Beezie Madden (Olympic medalist)
- John Madden (Trainer)
- Debbie McDonald (Olympic Bronze medalist)
- Susanne Miesner (Trainer)
- George Morris (Chef d’equipe USEF show jumping team, Olympic silver medalist)
- Martin Plewa (former German national Three-Day Event trainer, Director of the Riding and Driving School of Westfalia)
- Michael Putz (Trainer and judge)
- Klaus-Martin Rath (Trainer, member of the Dressage Committee of the German Olympic
- Matthias Alexander Rath (German Meister 2009)
- Hinrich Romeike (Olympic medalist)
- Hubertus Schmidt (Olympic medalist)
- Günter Seidel (Olympic bronze medalist)
- Christine Stückelberger (Olympiic medalist)
- Paul Stecken (Trainer)
- Hans Günter Winkler (Olympic medalist)

Joined: 17/03/2006

je complète Adrien.... ;)que du beau monde

- Michel Robert (FRA, Springen, Olympia-Bronze-Medaillen-Gewinner, Trainer)
-Nadine Capellmann (GER, Dressur, Doppel-Olympiasiegerin, Weltmeisterin)
-Ann Katrin Linsenhoff (GER, Dressur, Olympiasiegerin, Welt- und Europameiste-rin, Mitglied des FN-Präsidiums)

-Beatrice Bürchler-Keller (FEI-O-Richter)

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