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July 2007 - Rubrique "Courrier" du magazine L'Eperon - Colonel Carde

Summary of category " "Editorial" 

   Rubrique "Courrier" - magazine L'Eperon de Juillet 2007     

Objection, Your Honour !

It is in the interest of dressage competition to stick to the rules, otherwise dressage risks going astray. This is what I have been saying for a long time…a lonely voice in the wilderness? Allege-Ideal has been rebuked for saying so. Article 401 of the FEI states the essence of the rule. This is the article that we demand should be strictly adhered to.
When one of our most serious French equestrian magazines devotes a long article to the glorification of a mare at the recent WEG, and it illustrates it with the above photo, I cannot help but voice my deep concern.
Admittedly, it is hard to make a judgement on the basis of a single photograph; however, if one wants to hold up a horse-rider combination as an example of the best in the world, one must not choose this photo because it illustrates everything that is contrary to the ideal of good dressage.
The mare is performing passage, is on the forehand and strung out with hocks out behind. She swishes her tail. The rider grips with his knee and his lower leg is too far back. The reins are very short and tight. As for the foam at the mouth, it is hard to tell if it is the result of tension or relaxation of the jaw.

So, why this photo? I hope it is not because a better one could not be found, although, if truth be told, it would have been difficult to find one with a quiet tail. The video of the test proves this. I object to a score that does not take this resistance in the horse into account. If the horse is happy, I’ve been told, this resistance should not be penalized much, if at all. It is like “a cat swishing its tail when focussed on its toy”, the article states. In fact, it shows its pleasure by swishing its tail! Judges must learn to decide if the fitful swinging of tails is a sign of resistance or pleasure.
Who is fooling whom? What about article 416.2.1? What is worse is that although the word “harmony” is mentioned or implied five times in article 401, it is sadly lacking in this picture. What is harmonious in this photo or in the corresponding video?
If this view of the horse has been used in the article in good faith, and it must have been for one cannot doubt the sincerity of the writer, an even more serious state of affairs is evident: there is confusion regarding what is correct riding and what is not. The eye of the spectator, of the judge and of the rider (especially a young rider) is formed by what is wrong presented as correct.
Let’s glance at the following picture. It is true that the horse is performing a piaffe, a movement requiring extreme collection, but even so, the photo conveys serenity and harmony both in the body of the horse as well as between horse and rider. What lovely collection in freedom and lightness. This is what is meant by a successful marriage of sport and art.
To reward the spectacular in favour of the quality of equitation puts higher level dressage in danger, and hence, all dressage.
Please, accept this as yet another warning.

Colonel Christian Carde

Summary of category " "Editorial"