Pegase's Mood
Summary of category " "Humeur Pégase"
Posted Sat, 23/02/2008 - 11:17
english / anglais
----- March 2009 -----
----- April 2008 -----
----- March 2008 -----
One of our contributors to the Forum has made an astonishing discovery. Reading the last work of the late Jean d’Orgeix, Dressage Training is Easy, she has found what she sees as evidence of considerable progress, namely, that the horse must understand his rider who must do the schooling in short sessions followed by ample rewards the moment the horse has understood and obeyed.
It would be surprising if serious riders had trained their horses differently ever since the “Masters” explained their methods. Faverot de Kerbrecht expressed it well already a hundred years ago when he said “To be satisfied with little, ask often, reward generously.”
Far from belittling this enthusiastic rider’s input, we are thankful that she has wanted to share her find with us. Her contribution emphasizes our cultural heritage and the usefulness, nay necessity, of following the teachings of the ‘Masters”, past and present, when training our horses.
It is one of the missions, certainly not the least, of our Association to promote the evolution of riding both in the context of culture and practice, and also, hopefully, in the context of culture and competition. This is perhaps a foolish dream, but then all dreams are somewhat foolish, and surely a valuable safe-guard against the modern fallacy of turning up one’s nose at the lessons of the past and being tempted by the illusion of instant success, whatever the price.
Summary of category " "Humeur Pégase"