FEI et Rollkür
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A noter dans les agendas:Lausanne 31/01/2006 réunion de travail pluridisciplinaire de la FEI concernant l´usage du rollkür lors des entraînements.
01/31/2006 FEI workshop in Lausanne about rollkür
(par Vincent Delespaux)
Cher Anonyme,
Malgré l´ironie de votre message, cette technique étant tellement à faire connaître... pour qu´elle disparaisse que je vous inviterais, si du moins vous lisez l´anglais, à visiter le site de Theresa Sandin:
Dear Anonymous,
This technique should be well known to everybody... so that it can disappear!
Please visit the following website:
(par Vincent Delespaux)
4. Does deliberate ‘doping’ occur?
In 2004, intelligence regarding the use of sedatives, primarily during the Dressage test in Eventing,
surfaced. These substances were aimed at improving the performance of the horse by making a ’hot’
horse easier to handle in competition. Detailed discussions between the Vet Department, the
Veterinary Committee, Medication Subcommittee and the FEI’s Central Laboratory took place. In
recent months the laboratory has detected a number of samples testing positive for low dosage
sedatives, many designed as anti-psychotic drugs for humans with no clinical indications whatsoever
for use in the competing horse. Substances such as reserpine, guanabenz, fluphenazine,
zuclopenthixol, etc. have now been reported.
In addition, there seems to be a trend to try out “micro-dosing” using equine sedatives such as
acepromazine and detomidine with the intent to improve the competition behaviour of an excited
horse. Herbal products such as valerenic acid (valerian) and sedating antihistaminics have also been
regularly detected. These are not incidental cases: all these substances have been detected and ‘repeat
offenders’ have already been found.
From FEI web-site:
(par Margareta Westlin)
Dear Margareta,
Apparently, we read the same thing at the same time! (see my message divers)!
(par Vincent Delespaux)
Yes we did. It seems that the FEI is capable of action as soon as they have decided that it a problem.
But this use of a cocktail of lowdose drugs is really a scandal.... Maybe we will see some different parcours in the future.
(par Margareta Westlin)
Le ROLLKUR ... C´est quoi ce machin là ...
Moi aussi j´ai inventé un super enrênement pour les chevaux qui ne sont pas sages à la longue. C´est radical dès la 1ère séance vous ne risquer plus de labourer le manège et au bout de 3 séances vous pouver le revendre.
What is the RollKur ?
Me also, I have invent a nice bearing rein (please help me, I am not sure that it is the good translation for "enrênement)for the horse which are not quiet during the leading rein work. It is very efficient at the first session and after 3 sessions you can sell it.
(par Auteur anonyme)