Sorry about removing the link...
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...but I got a very angry letter from Sjef Janssen threatening me with lawyers because of what he calls "portrait rights". Does anyone on this board know anything about these portrait rights, or is this possibly a shot in the air?
(par Theresa Sandin (SWE))
Hello Marc!
Well the photos were photographed by someone else, who gave them to me to use as I saw fit, and erased them from his own disc as he did not want to have anything to do with them anymore. I now have the copyright to them. And they were taken at an open warm-up before competition.
I hope that it is a false alarm, which it probably is, but I do appreciate very much the support!
Thank you warmly,
(par Theresa Sandin (SWE))
Je vais essayer d´avoir plus d´information sur la léglisation.
(par Marc)
j´ai vu que le site etait fermé je comprends les raisons. On est jamais trop prudent.
Sur les forums allemands on parle bcp de Rollkur et les liens renvoyaient vers les photos du site...en tout cas cela commence à faire bcp de bruit outre-rhin..
ceci expliquant certainement cela.
j´espere que marc pourra vous aider.
(par magali)
Because I write in a horse magazine, this has happened to me in Spain. I shoot photos of rights and wrongs and in my experience, I know you can take pictures of anybody who rides/performs in a area open for public view. This would include warm up areas with public access, as it seems in the pictures where there are people watching.
I would leave the link and replace the photo contents with the angry letter, explaining why you have had to withdraw the photos.
(par Mercedes González Cort)
Dear Theresa,
I am a beginning dressage rider in the US, and I have loved visiting your site, which I find eminently informative, and deeply rewarding. I am amazed at the amount of work that you have put into it, and also your generosity in sharing classical principals. I visit often, and learn something each time I do. Thank you so much!
Therefore, I am strongly offended that you have felt forced to shut down your site due to the nasty letter you received from a trainer regarding the Rolkur photographs. I cannot imagine that anyone would find a discussion of this training method to be dangerous and/or undesirable. In fact, I would most gladly read an explanation, if there is one, by the proponents of this method describing its purpose and utility. You are absolutely right to publish these photographs, which were taken in a public setting (one can hardly imagine a more public setting in fact!). I believe that we all of us who ride classical dressage (or try to as in my case) should be advocates for the safety and well-being of horses, and speak out public when we see abuse, even if it occurs at the highest levels. It is one thing to see a professional adopting these methods, but you can imagine that pretty immediately every back-yard trainer and amateur will be doing it to in an attempt to "ride like that."
I´ve gone on too long, but just wanted you to know that you have much support and admiration.
Claire Thompson
(par Claire Thompson)
Bonjour Theresa,
Il y a 2 points important sur les quels il faut vous pencher :
-1) Est ce que vous êtes auteur des photos ?. Si c´est le cas c´est une bonne chose sinon il vous faut préalablement l´autorisation de l´auteur avant de pouvoir envisager de les utiliser et les diffuser sur votre site.
-2) Est ce que les photos ont été prises lors de séances d´échauffement dans le cadre de représentations en public (concours, demonstration...) ou dans un cadre privé ?. En principe dans le 1° cas rien ne s´oppose à ce que les images soient diffusées. Dans le 2° cas c´est plus délicat.
Je pense que cette personne essaie surtout de vous intimider mais quoi qu´il en soit je vous invite à approfondir sérieusement la question sur ces droits de diffusion car la législation varie certainement selon les pays (Pays de résidence de la personne et/ou pays où les images ont été réalisées).
J´espère sincèrement que vous aurez gain de cause
(par Marc)